Saturday, July 2, 2011


Because when you're only a fan, you're a spectator, an onlooker admiring and enjoying from afar. But when you're passionate about something, you want to be a follower, one who is actively involved and encouraging others to do the same.

Someone recently made a remark that if you're good at something, you should do it with all your heart. I think sometimes we look around us and compare ourselves, our gifts and our talents, to others. When we do this, we fail to appreciate the gift that has been given uniquely to us because its quantity or perceived quality is more or less than someone else's.

Even if you've only been given one talent worth of something and someone else has been given two or five talents, don't bury your one talent in the sand. You were given it and in that amount for a reason and a purpose.

When I was in middle school choir class, I was jealous of the girls who were selected to be part of the soprano section. Most of the girls were placed in the alto level, while the fewer, seemingly more talented ones, got to be sopranos. In my immaturity, I thought sopranos were better because they had the unique ability to sing higher than all the rest of us average-voiced altos. The parts of the song they were assigned sounded prettier and received more accolade. Sopranos seemed more impressive. I really wished I could be a soprano.

Additionally, I was told throughout my life that I wasn't a very good singer. Now that I am older and bolder in my willingness to look like a fool in trying things at which I am not particularly gifted, I've realized that I can hold a decent tune when I keep it in the alto range. Certainly not a professional, the melodies that come out of my mouth are at least pleasant. And I enjoy singing in the range I was meant to sing. There is value and joy in being an alto. Good music is comprised of varying levels of notes and octaves and ranges. A song with only high notes isn't complete.

All this to say, be encouraged, God gives us different talents for different reasons. Don't compare yourself to other people. Don't bury your talent in the sand. It is meant to be multiplied, to give God glory, and to love and serve others. Enjoy it and bless others with it!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for being so vulnerable and sharing your heart, adrienne... i totally agree with you! such a good and encouraging reminder to let God determine the value of the things He has given us, both great and small... keep the posts coming! =) (love the background btw)...
